Alba to Mackinaw City / Mackinac Bridge
108 miles / 6,942 ft elevation
NOTES: mixed terrain pavement, gravel, two track, singletrack, bike path
MILE 454 - Alba - limited hours Gas station
MILE 505 - Petoskey - 24 Hour gas station and many services and camping
MILE 560 - Mackinac Bridge, Mackinaw City
MILE 453.5-479.5 Route leaves Alba on a paved road which quickly turns to gravel. Huge descent into the Jordan River Valley which is very scenic. Near the end of the valley the route turns onto a seasonal road which turns into trail near the lake. Pracrious water crossing followed by the NCT. The section of NCT after the road is rugged and hilly. Remainder of the section is seasonal and gravel roads. This section is quite hilly with some prolonged sand stretches near the end.
MILE 479.5-498.5 NCT singeltrack trail which is very hilly and can be rugged. Trail is somewhat used but may have downed trees or logging activity. Fairly slow going terrain with sustained climbs and descents
MILE 498.5-504 Primarily paved roads with one seasonal road section. Very hilly terrain with big climbs then descending into Petoskey.
MILE 504-511 Primarily paved bike path through the town of Petoskey. Ample resupply available near route. Flat terrain with great scenery of Lake Michigan. Camping available at Petoskey State Park
MILE 511-513 Surface roads leading to NCT trailheads
MILE 513-528 Primarily NCT singletrack with very hilly terrain. Well used sections with good scenery and fun descents. A few road connectors linking trail segments.
MILE 528-539.5 Mix of paved and gravel roads leading to NCT trail section near Wycamp Lake. Seasonal road near Wycamp is sandy.
MILE 539.5-550 Paved road along Lake Michigan with great scenery leading to a gravel camp road which serves as a good back entrance to Wilderness State Park. Rolling trails within Wilderness leading to the paved entrance road. Camping and cabins available in the state park
MILE 550-561 Short road section leading to NCT along French Farm Lake. Trail emerges onto North Western State Trail directly into Mackinaw City. Take surface streets to the bridge.
MILE 561.5 End of Lower Peninsula route at the Mackinac Bridge!